May 06, 2013

Fashion | Outfit of the Day #2

Hola amigos! Long time no post! Life has been particularly hectic and stressful these past weeks but I am proud to say that I have finally finished my Drama GCSE and therefore I can focus my revision on other areas and maybe just maybe, post more...then again, exam season's coming up...

Anyhow, back to today's post! I went out with my mother today for a bit of shopping and coffee mainly because I needed a shirt and a book for leaver's signing next week and I had to go out today or I would never end up going. This is what I wore as I think today's the hottest day we've had this year in the UK so I thought I would get my arms and legs out!

Top - New Look (£7.99)
Black Bandeau - New Look (£2.99)
Hi-low skirt - River Island (£22)
Pink ballet flats - New Look (£7.99)
Gold bangle - gift
Black studded bag - Amazon (£23)
Sunglasses - Primark (£2)

I, unfortunately, did not take a close up of my make up, mainly because it's the end of the day and I look quite awful and the make up doesn't quite look its best, but the main highlight is my lipstick which is Infrared - Topshop.

Keep you eyes opened with matchsticks for my April Favourites which should be up by the end of this week!

Love, Nicole