March 16, 2013

Rant | Comic Relief

A lot of people may say that this post has only come about because of Red Nose Day and the heaps of televised broadcast surrounding this charity over the recent months, but I have a few things I would like to address about it and hopefully make you appreciate what you all have now.

This guy was the highlight of the Comic Relief Show tonight
Strangely, it was James Corden who influenced why I wanted to create a blog post on this. I am basically fed up of so many people making up pathetic excuses for why they do not want to donate. It is understandable that in certain situations, people are completely unable to as they may be struggling with their finance themselves or have no extra source of income currently, but I think it is stupid that people would spend on more luxurious items that people in Africa would not even dream of owning or a victim of bullying who has taken their own life may never experience. 

I am usually a SHOPAHOLIC, any income I get I would tell myself I would save it, but I will eventually spend it all by the end of the month. Today I donated to Comic Relief, and I felt proud of myself and good that I have helped out a good cause. A small amount of money that you donate will be an insignificant percentage of the money you will come across in your life, years on, you may even forget that you donated to charity; that small amount of money, however, may be the most a dying child in LEDCs will ever come across, and to think that it might save their life - I think it's worth it.

Awhile back, I was having a chat with a friend about how I had donated for a particular charity helping children in Uganda. I was horrified at her response that she feels "it is their own fault" and "I never see what the money does any way, why should I waste my money". It is comments like these that make me question that morals that people in society have nowadays - are we too brainwashed by superficial TV shows? are we not reading enough? or has society just flipped and people have no hearts any more? I am not saying that people should all believe in charities and everyone should donate, as that is irrealistic and I would not expect anything like that. But if happened the other way round, and we were living in poverty and starvation with poor hygiene and medical facilities, we would be desperate for any little help we could get. To them it is life or death and even if we cannot help directly, I would think it is better if we tried our best than not at all.
Hope you all had a great Red Nose Day!

Love, Nicole

1 comment:

  1. It is so incredibly important to donate to charity. We have so much in this country and I think it is so important to give back and help those poor countries and people that have nothing. Great post!
