March 20, 2013

Review | Nars Orgasm Blush

As I mentioned in my last post, I may have accidentally purchased the Nars Orgasm Blush from After using it for two days now, I honestly do not regret a thing! Despite its hefty price tag, ripping a good £21.50 out of my bank account, this is honestly the nicest blush I have ever used. Usually they are either too dark or awkward against my olivey-yellow skin tone. 

Let me begin by describing this product briefly. Nars Orgasm blush is a natural pink colour which is virtually the colour you get if you were to pinch your cheeks lightly, which therefore means that this will enhance your natural rosiness, instead of artificially plastering on some obscure shade. It is a natural pink with some tiny gold shimmers running through it, which adds a natural highlight to your cheeks when applied. 

The photo above is not only a very posey picture of myself, but it also shows me wearing the blush and being a person with naturally chubby cheeks, this actually made me look like I have cheekbones - obviously factoring in a DSLR camera taking this photo and minor touch-ups to the lighting. I think that this blush would suit pretty much all skin tones and add a very natural glow and radiate your skin.

Moving onto a few dislikes about the product, I am not entirely sure if it was the brush I was using to apply this product, but the product began bunching up in the palette, which would mean that over time I would be losing out on a lot of product! Now that I have bought some new brushes (from Real Techniques to be precise), I am hoping that this is reduce this problem and make my blush last longer - at least till the Summer!

Now going off the actual blush, one thing I love about this Nars product is the quality of the packaging. As well as buying this blush, I had been debating on choosing between the Benefit Hoola bronzer and the Nars Laguna bronzer and I guess the main thing that is making me unsure is the fact that the Benefit packaging is nowhere near as good as the Nars packaging. This is sturdy and I think it will take a lot of bashing to harm the blush and the palette. I love the sleek design on the palette and this packaging itself has definitely persuaded me to buy more Nars products!

£21.50 for a blush does seem rather ridiculous and perhaps I shall update this post when I finish my blush and see how long it will last me...I am planning it to wear it a few times a week as I don't really like to stick to the same make up items EVERYday. For the time being, however, I would say that this was definitely worth my hard earned money and was a great Nars product to begin with.

I would love to compare this blush to another blush that I own, but I do not think that it will be a fair comparison as this is the only powder blush I have actually liked and therefore it would not be accurate if I compared it to a product I knew I hated.

Thanks for reading this post and be sure to leave a comment of your favourite blush!

Love, Nicole

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