March 24, 2013

Tag | 50 Facts About Me

Ahh! For once this year I am not procrastinating as there is simply no essential homework for me today, besides bits of revision, but I can do that in the holidays! So this weekend was pretty chill and I was desperate to put up a blog post after being lazy in bed all day, so I decided to do a simple tag where I give you 50 facts about me.

I also felt that a photo of me seemed appropriate in this post...

  1. I am full Chinese, born in Hong Kong but moved to the UK when I was 6 and raised in some cities of England.
  2. I am currently in year 11, so my last year of GCSEs.
  3. Besides all the compulsory subjects, I took Business Studies, Drama, Chinese, German, French and Food Technology for GCSE.
  4. For A Level, I will be doing Maths, Further Maths, Economics and Geography.
  5. I began watching YouTube videos when I was in year 8 and have been obsessed with beauty items ever since.
  6. Although I love make up, I wear very little on a day-to-day basis.
  7. My first kiss was on a bus - classy, I know. However, it was such an awkward first kiss, I don't want to even count it.
  8. I used to hate the girl that I am now best friends with, haha! Funny how things work out!
  9. My first proper holiday was to Paris.
  10. ChloƩ is my favourite perfume (I don't know if I added that accent correctly, I could've just created a new brand)
  11. Ted Baker is my absolutely favourite designer store.
  12. I hate spoilt people who do not know the value of money.
  13. The Sims is the best computer game ever.
  14. I work at a tuition centre called Kumon, which helps people with English and Maths.
  15. My fingers are quite long in comparison to the size of my body.
  16. Words which don't sound like how they look really annoy me.
  17. "Implicature" is one of the most annoying words in the English Language.
  18. I am 5ft4.
  19. Zoella is my favourite beauty guru off the blogasphere and YouTube, although technically she doesn't do tutorials, I don't care.
  20. I have done so many sports in my life time: ballet, netball, football, badminton, hockey, rounders, athletics, swimming, basketball and cricket, however asthma has limited on the sports that I can do.
  21. My immune system is about as strong as a twig.
  22. Popcorn is seriously the most disgusting thing in the world, even the smell makes me gag. This is mainly because I used to love them till I was like 4, after eating loads at the cinema (watching Lilo and Stitch) and I fell asleep, I woke up with an extremely sore throat and the taste in my mouth and have never touched it since.
  23. I am literally the worst singer you will ever meet, but I will still sing.
  24. If and when you first meet me, I am such an awkward person, but if you know me, I am the weirdest person ever.
  25. Maths is like the best thing in the world as it gives definite answers.
  26. I once hesitated at the question "What are some of your hobbies?" in an interview.
  27. I was in £600 debt to my mom and brother when I was 14, as they bought me my phone and my laptop, but I eventually paid it all off.
  28. I don't eat breakfast.
  29. Summer is at the top of my wish list.
  30. I always overdress for occasions but I completely love it.
  31. I love it when I know the truth but the other person carry on lying.
  32. On the subject of lying, I am brilliant at spotting when people are lying.
  33. I have an obsession with painting my nails, the only time I will not paint my nails is if they look disgusting and I need to give them a break.
  34. Tea and coffee in one is the nicest thing.
  35. Reading is completely underrated. Why would anyone choose film over book?!
  36. Starbucks has the best cold drinks but Costa has the best hot drinks.
  37. I order a grande vanilla latte at Starbucks.
  38. Sheldon Cooper would be my best friend if he was real.
  39. I wanted three kids: one girl and two boys. I have however picked out 2 names for each gender. Hayden and Xavyera for a girl; Nathaniel and Hudson for boys.
  40. My favourite make up brand has got to be MAC.
  41. I simply do not understand why people wear foundation when they have flawless skin.
  42. For a relatively clever person, I don't understand a lot of things; for example, why is a honey dipper shaped like that?
  43. I am a boss at putting together Ikea furniture, I've built everything from Ikea in my house.
  44. I wish I was Kendall Jenner.
  45. The only bone I have broken (well fractured) is my pinky, as my brother slammed my laptop screen on it during an argument.
  46. Nando's is the best place ever; I order a medium quarter chicken with mash potato.
  47. I absolutely despise smokers, not necessarily the person but just the part of their brain that think smoking is okay.
  48. My doctor has informed me that I have extremely tiny blood vessels and therefore I am always cold.
  49. My best friend and I once saw Layton Williams - the one who plays the gay guy off Bad Education - in Topshop in Westfield, strangely enough, my friend saw him the day before at Thorpe Park and I told her to go say hi, but she didn't want to, so we stood there awkwardly whispering and looking at him. He then smiled at us and we smiled back.
  50. I am such a perfectionist yet such a good procrastinator; the two do not go well, trust me.
That's it then! There's 50 facts about me, I hope that you've learned a little more about me and I would love it if you followed me on Bloglovin or through Google.

Love, Nicole

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