Oh my, oh my, oh my, it's been almost 2 months since my last entry and well...a lot has happened since, I am officially GCSEs free! I am so happy that I am out for Summer, a whole 2 months! Plus the fact that this is my last summer where I can more or less neglect any form of academic work as I can foreshadow that A Level summers will not be as enjoyable as I wish they will be. I have so much planned this summer if the weather brightens up...I am going on holiday in August for a week before results day, so that should be fun! I also have my dinner and dance to look forward to this July 5th and I will definitely post some photos on here within that weekend (if I am not feeling post-dnd syndrome coughhangovercough) Currently, my most looking-forward-to-thing is my introductory day at the sixth form I am attending next year, I am so excited for a change in environment and people, plus the fact that I get to meet the people I am spending the next two years with. I am trying to push aside the dreaded though of results day to the back of my mind, although I know that it will be daunting over me for majority of the summer. The grade I am most worried about is my English Language - a B seems so difficult to achieve considering that I answered a question completely wrong...ah I can only hope now.
I am getting a little sleepy, it's been lovely typing on my blog again!
Love, Nicole
April 27th 2013:
Wow! I haven't written on this page for nearly a month and I just realised how heated my last entry was, haha! Not that my life is any more light-hearted right now (if anything I am more stressed), I decided to put in a happier post 'cause I think I could do with happiness, I don't think I'm as depressed as I am sounding right now- don't worry. 9 more days till my study leave! I honestly can't wait to leave this school and get a fresh start and start being around people who hopefully cares. So basically the things I am looking forward to right now are:
- May 10th - study leave
- June 26th - induction day
- July 5th - dinner and dance
- July 13th & 14th - Duke of Edinburgh
- August 22nd - GCSEs results day (still contemplating this one)
So next week I have a Drama exam which has basically made my whole class regret taking Drama but hopefully it'll turn out great even though we still don't have an ending devised for our piece - loving life. Best be off for dinner...10:14PM dinner time, merde!
Love, Nicole
March 29th 2013:
I guess I just wanted to put another diary entry up without actually knowing what I want to write - this is more of a rant I suppose. I decided to set up an online diary page which differs to my personal written diary as I hope that my issues and feelings can be somewhat relatable to others, and this is one of those posts I guess. I feel that as teenagers we get a lot of pressure to do well...in all aspects. It is understandable that especially with the economical situation that when we eventually leave education, the process of trying to get a job will be even more difficult than it is now but the pressure we get currently is immense. Unfortunately, I am one that has metaphorically collapsed from the pressure, especially added upon other personal issues. I do, however, feel lucky that I care - I care about my future and education and my life in general, I get pissed off if I don't get the grades I want, I won't laugh it off because I know it is not good enough. Everyone who knows me tells my Mom that I grew up too quickly, that wasn't a choice that I made, it was something that I had to adapt to considering the circumstances. Recently I have been heavily influenced by the pressure that we get nowadays and I am pretty much fed up of it. I want to do something for myself and not because others want me to; I want to get my desired grades because I want the sense of satisfaction; I want to live my life like I want to because I am not going to get these years that I waste being victim of the pressure. Sometimes I just feel like I want to give up, just not give a shit for a day, skive school, party till sun rises, just do whatever the hell I want to, but apparently this is socially unacceptable. Why should conventions dictate what we can and cannot do, why are we subject of rules that have been set down by past generations, no one wants to live like that.
It annoys me when people compares themselves to others - why do they think it is okay to compare one's circumstances to another?! I love Einstein's quote of "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its capability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid." as I think that is exactly what society has become.
Love, Nicole
So let's just say that the holidays couldn't have come at a better time! School stress is literally overriding my life right now and I physically feel ill. I can foresee that this holiday is going to be dreadful due to the exam prep that I have to do. I also would like to include in this entry how inconsiderate people how become nowadays and how they merely think about themselves and not others. I suffer from a disorder which I shan't disclose currently, but it has impacted on my everyday life and with the addition of exams and the pressure to do well, it just makes the matter worse. I hate that people do not recognise uneasiness in other people and continue being an annoying imbecile. Being someone who can identify liars and dramatic people easily, this heightens the whole situation which leaves me feeling uncomfortable and irritated. Rant over, I'm continuing with my Nashville catch-up.
Love, Nicole
March 17th 2013:
I constantly tell myself that I will not be a procrastinator and actually do something constructive with my time, it's 17:11 right now and well, I've done nothing all day. I should really being doing my German homework seeing as I have a German oral next week, and I have an English Language Mock which I really need to prepare for...all in all, being a procrastinator and a perfectionist does not really go well together at all. I wanted to do an Urban Decay Naked and Naked 2 Palette Review, but my camera died on me, so it is currently charging. I might do another blog post of let's say...my favourite YouTubers? I might go get started on that now...German and English homework can wait!
Love, Nicole
March 13th 2013:
My first diary entry of 2013! Well, I cannot believe how quickly this year's going, last time I wrote something on here it was December, and well - it didn't seem all that long a go! Let's see, I finally got my January exam results back A* in Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Business Studies but a B in English Literature...so...uh...yeah I'm retaking. I feel like there's so much stress going around recently and I cannot wait till my 2-week Easter break and then study leave not long after that! I have discovered a new love for Fanta Fruit Twist, honestly one of the best things I have ever drank - GO BUY IT! Now I should really be getting ready for bed or I'll be late tomorrow - as per usual;
Love, Nicole
Oh my- it's finally New Year's Eve and I sincerely doubt that I'm doing anything today (I have changed it up a little and am writing this entry at 3:31AM, dedication right there!). It's 2013 in less than 24 hours and this year has gone so so SO quick! I can't believe that I'm almost done with the compulsory side of Secondary School - crazy times!
On a less serious note, I just painted my nails Rimmel London - 415 Instyle Coral...lovely coral colour (duh) and I'm loving it; although it is mid-winter, I like my bright colours! I have no idea what I'm wearing today nor tomorrow as I'm heading down to London to see family on New Year's Day, woop woop! I love family gatherings, they're always so funny and nice...I hear my mother waking up ehhhhh dear.
Hmmmm, I might add to this later, but for now I'm getting shleepy and need some sleep as I need to be up at like 9:00, WHAT THE...I only get 5.5 hours sleep! Who else does that? Calculate the hours of sleep before you actually sleep...I swear that becomes really bad for you, hm.
Love, Nicole
Ahh! It's almost 2013! I have decided to start writing an online diary on here as well as general posts. Today was a pretty dull day though - REVISION IS KILLING ME. Plus I have a new found YouTube obsession...Zoella280390 and ThatcherJoe, they're literally the funniest siblings ever and I have been watching their videos non-stop today...although I could've spent that time revising.
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Another thing that really pissed me off is MY DEBIT CARD ISN'T WORKING...okay I sound awfully brat-ish, but the money that I rightfully earned is on there and all, but I can't buy anything online! Soon the sales will end and I will have to pay full price for everything, and that's just annoying. Yes, I did waste my time online shopping when I should have been revising...
Right now is actually 12:23AM Dec 29th 2012, which means NYE in 2 days! I'm not sure if I'm going out or staying in with the fam yet, but if I were to go out I would have an awful time in London NYD with my other family as I will probably be hungover...meh. I do want plans on NYE though...my ultimate wish is to watch the ball drop in New York - ooh funny story! My friend had no idea what "the ball drop" was and I told her that that was on my bucket list and well...if you're old enough to read this blog, you're old enough to figure the rest out ;)
Anyways, I'm going to go plan tomorrow's blog post which is going to be a review for something! I do hope that you will enjoy reading the blog.
Love, Nicole
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