December 27, 2012

Tag | 24 Questions

1.Do you have a middle name? I do indeed, Yuen Kei - my full name is Nicole Yuen Kei Li
2. What was your favourite subject in school? Hmm, I like Maths, Drama and Business Studies. Maths because it is definite and the answer is clear. Drama because I love acting and being onstage (although if you were to meet me, I will probably be really quiet) and Business Studies because it is something I wish to pursue.
3. What’s your favourite drink? Probably, Horlick, it's just so good. Or Starbucks' Peppermint Hot Chocolate...mmmmmm

Who else likes Starbucks? What's your favourite drink?

4. Favourite song at the moment? Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia, but BethOfficial (off Youtube)'s version!
5. What would you name your children? I have a list saved on my phone...HAHAHAHA. So I want 2 boys and a girl but I have come up with 2 boys names: Nathaniel (Nate) and Hudson / 2 girls names: Hayden, Xavyera (my Mom reckons she'll get bullied HAHA)
6. Do you participate in any sports? I play badminton for school team and used to do it for county
7. Favourite Book? I love the "The Summer I Turned Pretty" - Jenny Han series, if anyone want to discuss it with me, FEEL FREE! And most recently - "A Twist of Fate" - Joanna Rees, if you haven't read it, go read it!
8. Favourite Colour? I like a tiffany blue
9. Favourite Animal? I don't really like animals although I do have a dog...

Papel de Parede - Meme - Ui, Que Medo
Don't judge me!

10. Favourite perfume? I really love and desperately want the Chloé original perfume!
11. Favourite holiday? Christmas for sure! I love the Christmas lights and festive spirit!
12. Have you graduated High School? Nope I am 16 and in year 11, graduate from High School this year and onto 6th form!
13. Have you been out of the Country? Indeed - I was born in Hong Kong so I flew over here when I was 4 months for holiday and then back when I was 6 for permanent stay (no I'm not an illegal immigrant) but I have also been to France, Spain, Germany and China
14. Do you speak any other Languages? I speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin, French and German :)
15. Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother called Marcus, he is 18
16. What’s your favourite store? Ummm, I love ASOS and Pull & Bear
17. Favourite Restaurant? NANDOS, to those who don't get what it's about I DON'T KNOW YOU

This chicken is my life.

18. Did you like school? I love school, I love learning and school will be the greatest years of your life whether you like to admit it or not!
19. Favourite YouTubers? Lauren Elizabeth, Meganheartsmakeup, Macbarbie07, bubzbeauty!
20. Favourite Movie? Elf, "Definitely, Maybe", Mean Girls and I love love love The Notebook! or anything with Rachel McAdams in, ooooh What's Your Number? is pretty good too!
21. Favourite Tv show? Gossip Girl - UNTIL IT FINISHED :'( or 2 Broke Girls, that's hilar
22. Pc or Mac? PC, saving up for a Mac though!
23. What phone do you have? iPhone 4S in white :)
24. How tall are you? 5'4, I so want to be a bit taller!

I hope you got to know me a bit better! WOOHOO
Love, Nicole

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