Those of you out there doing GCSEs or A Levels in the UK know that there are January exams coming up and well, revising for them are just a pain in the ASS. I'm currently chilling on this website and doing a load of activities...
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I hate this shit, but it's better than a text book. |
1. Clear up a working environment - a messy room isn't going to help you here because it is just no comfortable to work in and the cluttered surroundings would affect your perception of ideas and terms, meaning you can't remember it as well as you wish.
2. Keep some snacks and water around - you do NOT want to be dehydrated when revising because that will make you sleepy and you will feel crap. Snacks are great as they won't make you feel stodgy but you can keep nibbling at them so you're not so famished you will be distracted and have no concentration!
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Bring a bottle of water or juice or something and stay HYDRATED :) |
3. Make a revision timetable - these things are a b*tch! I love making them because on paper it makes seem like I have done so much revision, but in reality - I never stick to them! So what I am trying to say is, if you cannot stick to a revision timetable, don't bother making one, but if you can and you'll find it helpful, go ahead and make one! Sort your time out but remember to give yourself breaks and treats. For every 2 hours of revision maybe watch 30 mins of TV or go on Faceboook/Twitter!
4. Leave your laptop if you do not need it - so like I was revising on the Internet, I have somehow moved onto typing this post, if you do NOT need to laptop or Internet, don't turn it on and have it right in front of you begging for you to go on it (sexual innuendo much...). If you are revising from a text book and making notes off it, just do that, don't have a laptop in front of you because you're bound to get distracted and end up on Facebook 20 mins later!
5. Phone on silent or sleep mode - since Apple has put this night mode thing on the iOS6 it has helped me out so much! My phone now only goes off when someone is calling and not from text messages, notifications, e-mails etc. this way, I am not tempted to go on my phone unnecessarily. For those who don't have an iPhone, just put it on silent and WITHOUT vibration - but I would suggest you to keep it insight just in case your Mom thinks you have been abducted after calling you 2375987345 times ;) - we all know it happens!
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6. Treat yourself - like I said, don't spend all day revising because that's just a bore and no one would grasp any concepts. Give yourself some free-time, but not so much so that you're not getting any work done.
7. Organize your materials - this may seem obvious, but you don't want to spend half the time digging around for resources that you need, get a folder or stick everything into your book so it's all there in one thing! This sounds so simple and stupid, but trust me it helps - I am currently in the process of gathering all my revision materials for English Literature (those who keep up with the news and are sitting this exam, GOOD LUCK!).
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basically what English exams are about.... |
8. Don't just read from a text book - no matter how you learn, this will not help you, you need some form of repetition for ideas to stick and stay in your head. What I like to do when remember German orals/writing exams is to record myself (yes, whether you like it or not) and play it on the bus journeys or in the shower, this way you really get the idea! Or write out key points on a notepad, this will allow you to remember key ideas instead of a bunch of rubbish the publisher put into the book to make it look pretty.
That's basically it! I should really get back to revising for my Biology exam...I have Business Studies, Biology, Chemistry, Physics and English Lit - STRESS STRESS STRESS. T'is the holiday season, why am I doing this?!
But good luck to y'all!
Love, Nicole
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