Two posts in one day?! You must be on the wrong blog page! Well well well, I did some damage to my bank balance today since I have been paid so I thought that I would share with you what I bought. First and foremost, the main reason for my trip to town today was because I needed a shirt and a notepad for shirt signing as it is my last formal week of school, but I guess one thing escalated to another and I ended up spending more than I intended here we go!
I BOUGHT SOME JEANS! Right, let's establish one thing...I absolutely hate jeans. I hate the feel of them and being so I have quite short and what some may consider thin legs, they never fit me properly and they're always baggy even if they're "skinny jeans" and recently I have somehow lost weight even though I eat like a horse...anyway, went on a complete detour, point is - I have the hardest time finding jeans. For about 2-3 years now all I have been wearing are: shorts, skirts, leggings, jeggings and disco pants. My favourite pair of jeggings are from Zara so I thought I would pop into Zara and see if I had any luck and my word I love this pair of jeans! They're so soft and stretchy and I usually hate how light wash jeans look on me but these are so summery and pretty! I must say though, they are a little bit on the longer side, but hopefully I'll grow...
And because I got so carried away with the fact that I found the perfect pair of jeans, I got a pair of coloured ones (true colour is more like the photo on the right). Since last summer I really wanted a pair or coloured trousers type thing and I never got round to trying a pair on or buying them, so today, I had a bit more time and I found these minty turquoise colour type jeans and I love these as well! They have a similar fit to the first pair I mentioned and I honestly can't wait to start wearing them!
It only felt right if I got a top to go with it. Initially, I took this top into the changing rooms so that I would see how everything looked with a t-shirt but I ended up picking this up too 'cause I absolutely love the print and the cutting of it and it honestly looks so flatterring with shorts and the jeans that I bought. The costs £9.99 which my Mom thought was a bit pricey for a cut-off t-shirt but I honestly loved it so bought it anyways...I am sure I will get a lot of use out of this!
The product above basically reflects on how easily I am persuaded by people to buy things. Although this is not entirely true and I have wanted this for the longest time, the two eyeshadows that I ended up buying was due to the fact that my friend Emma, off
did a blog post of her wearing these shades and I absolutely fell in love and though it was only right for my makeup collection to buy these shadows. I ended up buying the 15 pan pro palette insert as it works out to be the cheapest option, so I might as well. Unfortunately, they did not have the actual palette in stock so I came home and ordered that straight away and can't wait to have the palette in one. The palette eyeshadows cost £10 each, which is £2 cheaper than the pot eyeshadows that you can get, the 15 pan insert was £6.50 and the palette holder I ordered was £14. I did plan on buying Woodwinked today as well but it was out of stock and I almost cried! I didn't but...right I am getting delirious and should probably start on an English mock paper.
Love, Nicole
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