December 29, 2012

Fashion | Current Favourites (ASOS)!

Image 1 of ASOS Blouse With Chain Collar And Cut Out Back
So basically, this is in my basket right now! I love love LOVE wearing shirts and blouses and this shirt has an edginess to it from the chain and studding on the collar. This would be perfect for NYE as it keeps the classy me and it's also quite fun and current. I would pair this with a velvet skirt or some wet look leggings, which are black, to contrast against the white. I think that being so it is white it is quite easy to glam up with different accessories. (£32.00)

Image 1 of Reclaimed Vintage Sweat with LOL Embroidery
So yes, that is a guy face that you can see, but you'll soon realise that I love baggy sweaters as they're just SO comfortable! There is another one further down this post that I actually just purchased but I love wearing these sweaters with leggings, Uggs or Converses and with a hat. This would be the more casual me and I am just such a sucker for sweaters. There were multiple sweaters like this one with a word print on the front, but I just picked this one to show you 'cause there others were, well sort of rude! ;) Having expressed my love for this sweater, I am not going to go buy it just because I just bought one that I like much more! (£35.00)
Image 1 of ASOS Bomber Jacket With Digital Floral Print
I actually have this bomber jacket off ASOS and it quickly became my new obsession! My closet has a lot of whites, greys and blacks and this is a perfect way to incorporate patterns, prints and colours into an outfit. I must say that I had originally intended for it to be a bit thicker, but nonetheless I LOVE this bomber jacket and it is a current favourite in my closet! If I don't find anything else to wear on NYE, I think I am definitely going for this! I have also been really into different bomber jackets recently (not just this one), but I'll feel really bad if I spend a bunch of money on one thing, so I'm holding back. Having said that, IT'S ON SALE NOW! Go check it out! (£21.50    Originally: £40.00)
Image 1 of Mischa Barton Montana Bag
This bag has been saved for a very very long time now and I don't know if I should buy it or not - as I have so many bags already. I lost the design on this bag and it would definitely be a perfect every day bag. On the website, it also looks very spacious and it would fit all my junk into it. I love the additional straps which allows you to wear it on your shoulder as well as around your arm. I love the combination between cream and navy blue, it creates a very nautical feel! This is a Mischa Barton bag and I love her designs! There was another brown bag which I really want, but I think I am more swayed by this one. (£45.00 Originally: £60.00)
Image 1 of ASOS Sweatshirt with Dumbo Print
I though that I'd finish this post off with a BOMB of cuteness! This is sweater that I purchased about 15 minutes a go and I love it so much already! I love the dumbo face on it and it just screams cuteness! Once again, I love these baggy sweaters as I think they're just so comfortable and perfect for running errands or lounging around the house, I would definitely wear this to school on a non-uniform day as well! I am contemplating whether or not I should buy the matching sweatpants. Any ideas?! (£30.00)

Love, Nicole

Disclaimer: I am not affiliated in any way with and all opinions and comments were my own. I am in no way sponsored by them.

Review | L'Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil for Colour Treated Hair

L'Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil for Colour Treated Hair
Hi guys! This is my first review and I thought I would do it on this product that I have been using for a good 2-3 months now and it's the L'Oreal Elvive Extraordinary Oil (and I purchased it for colour treated hair).

So a couple of things: I think that originally it is £9.99 but I got in on a promotion deal for £6.99 or something from Superdrug. Seeing as it is post-Christmas, I reckon that it should be on sale, so after reading this review and you think this product is suited for you, definitely go pick it up!

Firstly, I would just like to say that had it have been £9.99 when I went to buy it, I wouldn't have purchased it - it is pretty good but for how much there is and what it does, I think the £9.99 is a bit pricey, considering that I am a 16 year old.

The story behind purchase: I had been using the Tresemme Argan Oil for a couple of weeks/months and I loved that product and it smelled divine! However, it had cost me £5.00~ for this much...
wouldn't say it's worth it!

So after it had ran out (but I must say, it lasted longer that I had expected it too), I went out to get another oil for my hair because I love the finish it gave my hair when I put argan oil or moroccan oil in my hair! I got to Superdrug and well, I think I was swayed by the promotion of launching a new product - so I bought it.

Back to the product, I will now give my honest opinion on this hair oil.

  1. This bottle lasts for AGES! My hair is pretty long and thick (past my boobs) and I have been using this since September/October? I have only used about 1.5 inches of the bottle and I wash my hair every other day and I put it on every time before blow drying.
  2. It smells absolutely INCREDIBLE and for the scent, it is definitely up there with the argan oil!
  3. "A little goes a long way" - one pump of this definitely works through my whole hair length bits...I don't know what I'm saying, and this is probably the reason why it lasts so long!
  4. Gives a very nice, shiny and smooth finish and definitely no frizziness (taking into consideration that my hair is normally straight and only occasionally frizzy and static).
  5. It claims that you can you use on wet and dry hair and even as a hot oil treatment in the shower (although I have not done this myself).
  1. I find that it loses a lot of the volume that my hair needs as the oil weighs down the lengths of my hair and the crown of my hair lose quite a bit of volume despite me using hairspray and other volumizing sprays.
  2. DO NOT GET THIS ANYWHERE NEAR YOUR ROOTS - if you do, you might as well hop back into the shower!
  3. When using it on dry hair (hair that has been blown-dry), it "clumps" the hair together, which again, loses the volume and body in the hair.
So there we go! I hope this review was somewhat helpful for those wanting to buy this product and the most common places to get this would probably be Boots or Superdrug!

Love, Nicole

Disclaimer: I was not sponsored by the business and all opinions were honest and my own.

2012 Reflection

I like to think that I'm going to be extremely busy for the next few days preparing for a kickass NYE's party, I have decided to write a reflection post summarising things that have happened this year which have been absolutely crazy...(for the record: my NYE will probably be shit).

I like to start off by saying about getting fully kicked into my first year of GCSEs and how it has been overwhelmed with exams and controlled assessments and how my life has been taken over my Food Technology coursework - damn my school for making us take a DT subject! IT'S NOT EVEN A PROPER SUBJECT, for those younger viewers, do not be fooled by either AQA or OCR Food Technology, you do not do any cooking that you like, but instead you're repeatedly making a dish (in my case, a curry) until you get fed up of it. Having said all that, I can't wait to get the grades that I want to go onto 6th form which is currently in the process of finalising, that made no sense to most people, but to me it did! 

School aside, I would like to move onto friendships and bitches. This year, I have realised who I can really rely on and my real friend(s), some people will just be jealous of your achievements instead of being happy for you, but through 2012, I have learned to overcome these people and the arguments they try to enforce and to live my life and continue striving (gosh this is cheesy). Also, I am glad that this particular girl who used to be my closest friend has left my personal life as this year has shown me how shallow and immature she is. One thing that I will never ever understand is, fair enough if you bitch about me, I don't really care, I do it to other people too - I'm not going to lie. BUT what I DON'T understand is why people would bitch about me to people IDK and twist the actual truth to make me sound stupid and foolish...that my friend, will come back to you and it's called karma.

This year I have made a "special friendship" (it's funny if you know the story)!
Jennifer and I in Spain
I honestly could not ask for a better best friend. We had our bad times a few years back but strangely, I can trust her with my life (but not my number -.-). For a start, "she took me to Spain" and we literally have the most hilarious times together...BRING ON 2013

I hope that my brother will get into Oxford, Magdalen after doing so well in his exam and getting to the interview stage, I will honestly be so proud of him whatever the outcome and he is just such a great role model for me. I know that he will do so well whatever uni he ends up in and I wish him all the best in Germany in 2013!

Gosh this is getting awfully soppy. 2012 has ultimately made me realise that what you want does not come to you overnight, you have to work for it whether you like it or not. Over the past few weeks I have realised what I want to do in the next few years, although my plans post-6th form might change through circumstances, I know what I want now and I need to get my grades whether or not I enjoy the revision. 

This post has been awfully intense, and I hope y'all the best for 2013!
2013 new year HD Happy New Year 2013 Wallpapers, Welcome 2013 Desktop Photos

Love, Nicole

December 28, 2012

Life | Revision, Revision, Revision

Those of you out there doing GCSEs or A Levels in the UK know that there are January exams coming up and well, revising for them are just a pain in the ASS. I'm currently chilling on this website and doing a load of activities...
I hate this shit, but it's better than a text book.
I decided to give some tips for budding "exam stressing-outers", in hope that this would help you revise better and get your desired grades!

FoodNotes | Cupcakes

So, for a family gathering yesterday I made some very simple yet delicious cupcakes with my Mom; I would've made something a little more fancy and special, especially because it's Christmas but I had headed out to the Boxing Day sales at 5AM, so I was quite exhausted. Nonetheless, here they are! Along with the recipe!
vanilla and chocolate flavoured ones!

December 27, 2012

Tag | 24 Questions

1.Do you have a middle name? I do indeed, Yuen Kei - my full name is Nicole Yuen Kei Li
2. What was your favourite subject in school? Hmm, I like Maths, Drama and Business Studies. Maths because it is definite and the answer is clear. Drama because I love acting and being onstage (although if you were to meet me, I will probably be really quiet) and Business Studies because it is something I wish to pursue.
3. What’s your favourite drink? Probably, Horlick, it's just so good. Or Starbucks' Peppermint Hot Chocolate...mmmmmm

Who else likes Starbucks? What's your favourite drink?

4. Favourite song at the moment? Don't You Worry Child - Swedish House Mafia, but BethOfficial (off Youtube)'s version!
5. What would you name your children? I have a list saved on my phone...HAHAHAHA. So I want 2 boys and a girl but I have come up with 2 boys names: Nathaniel (Nate) and Hudson / 2 girls names: Hayden, Xavyera (my Mom reckons she'll get bullied HAHA)
6. Do you participate in any sports? I play badminton for school team and used to do it for county
7. Favourite Book? I love the "The Summer I Turned Pretty" - Jenny Han series, if anyone want to discuss it with me, FEEL FREE! And most recently - "A Twist of Fate" - Joanna Rees, if you haven't read it, go read it!
8. Favourite Colour? I like a tiffany blue
9. Favourite Animal? I don't really like animals although I do have a dog...

Papel de Parede - Meme - Ui, Que Medo
Don't judge me!

10. Favourite perfume? I really love and desperately want the ChloĆ© original perfume!
11. Favourite holiday? Christmas for sure! I love the Christmas lights and festive spirit!
12. Have you graduated High School? Nope I am 16 and in year 11, graduate from High School this year and onto 6th form!
13. Have you been out of the Country? Indeed - I was born in Hong Kong so I flew over here when I was 4 months for holiday and then back when I was 6 for permanent stay (no I'm not an illegal immigrant) but I have also been to France, Spain, Germany and China
14. Do you speak any other Languages? I speak English, Cantonese, Mandarin, French and German :)
15. Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother called Marcus, he is 18
16. What’s your favourite store? Ummm, I love ASOS and Pull & Bear
17. Favourite Restaurant? NANDOS, to those who don't get what it's about I DON'T KNOW YOU

This chicken is my life.

18. Did you like school? I love school, I love learning and school will be the greatest years of your life whether you like to admit it or not!
19. Favourite YouTubers? Lauren Elizabeth, Meganheartsmakeup, Macbarbie07, bubzbeauty!
20. Favourite Movie? Elf, "Definitely, Maybe", Mean Girls and I love love love The Notebook! or anything with Rachel McAdams in, ooooh What's Your Number? is pretty good too!
21. Favourite Tv show? Gossip Girl - UNTIL IT FINISHED :'( or 2 Broke Girls, that's hilar
22. Pc or Mac? PC, saving up for a Mac though!
23. What phone do you have? iPhone 4S in white :)
24. How tall are you? 5'4, I so want to be a bit taller!

I hope you got to know me a bit better! WOOHOO
Love, Nicole

Fashion | My Style

So this post is pretty self-explanatory, after some intense research and digging at the Internet for images I have picked out a few images of celebrities' style that I like and would recreate for myself so here they are!
 1. Lauren Conrad
One of my favourite style icons, literally most of the stuff she wears I desperately want! This outfit is particularly cute, especially for a Summer party or something (although it's mid-winter right now haha). The bag may be a little harsh against the soft brown tones of the dress for my liking, but somehow it works! I love the one shoulder dress and those shoes look very cute too! I love the browns and neutral colours because they never go out of style!

 2. Blake Lively
So after watching and catching up on 5 seasons of Gossip Girl, ready for the 6th that just aired this Autumn, Blake Lively (and Leighton Meester) soon became one of my girl crushes; her style on Gossip Girl and off are right up my street! This outfit is very office chic which tends to be the outfit types that I for - I am a sucker for shirts and blazers...and yet the pair of black shorts makes it very wearable for everyday (particularly the Summer...again). I love how she incorporated the heels with this outfit and I love to wear heels theory is, I buy all these nice shoes but hardly ever get a chance to wear them in High School, I might as well make the most of it during the weekends, despite a lot of people wearing Converses and Vans with some jeans, my first choice will always be dresses, skirts and heels!

 3. Lauren Conrad...again
Like I said, Lauren Conrad is one of my favourite style icons, this is one of my favourite pairings/outfits. I love to style shirts and skirts together as it is very feminine yet classic. A few years back, I had the hardest time pairing things with skirts as I didn't know how to do it, but recently I have rediscovered skirts and have been wearing them like crazy - pleated skirts, floral skirts, body con skirts and even a velvet skirt! I think that they are very versatile and although not as easy to style as dresses, they are more casual yet very stylish! I love pairing blues and browns together and I have just ordered a brown/cream based duvet cover to go with my soon-to-be blue wall! Also, the top-knot bun is one of my go-to hairstyles (especially on a BHD!), it is a classic hair-do and goes with anything and perfect to keep your hair out of your face!

 4. Myleene Klass
Now, she is not one of my go-to style icons, but I do love this outfit! I have been dying for a faux fur coat and this one is probably the perfect one that I want! I love the contrast between the light brown coat with the blackness of the other outfit, I love styling leggings or skinny jeans with boots as it is so elegantly simple yet comfortable! The lace bag is also to die for - I love anything lace from room decor to underwear, you can't really go wrong with lace!

 5. Rita Ora
Love her music and love this outfit! I have been pairing so many over-sized sweaters with my wet look leggings as again, I do love comfort! I love how she has paired some cute little heels with the outfit as it pulls it all together. I would definitely wear this to run errands or go shopping with friends - I probably wear it with my moccasins when running errands though! The red lipstick stands out perfectly against the white and black also and I have purchased a few shades of red lipstick from MAC recently which I have been loving! Maybe a December favourites soon!

6. Miranda Kerr
I honestly think she is one of the most gorgeous model! And I love this outfit too! Also it is very black based, I love the contrast between the grey blazer-coat with the black dress! I think the overall blackness of the outfit is very classic and a perfect way to style a LBD (which I need to find one!). The black bowler bag is also very cute and very me! Once again, the red lipstick creates a perfect match with the black outfit and definitely something I would recreate for a party!

I hope you enjoyed reading this post and watch out for more to come!
XOXO (GG moment ;))
Love, Nicole

Disclaimer: Images are off and are not mine.

Welcome! Happy belated Christmas!

Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas!

Well, the festive season is over and I am meant to be revising for January exams; however, I have decided to set up this blog since Christmas and Boxing Day has past and I have nothing else to do (besides revising exams).