May 29, 2013

Life | Grandad's 70th Birthday

I do love bubbles
My brother and I with the awesome cake my Mom and I made

How adorable were my baby cousin's socks?!

Perhaps the two biggest posers in my family

I absolutely adore this photo

he was happier than he looks...I think



...and I shall finish this post off with a birthday cake
Ahh, this is procrastination at its best! I am actually in the midst of typing up some English Language Practice Questions to send to my teacher by tomorrow, but apparently I decided I wasn't getting anywhere so I would do a blog post...I do love my logic. Anyhow, my Grandad celebrated his 70th birthday this Sunday and it was so nice to have a whole family gathering after not seeing some of my cousins, aunts and uncles for over 2 months (exams and revision just demolish any chances of having a social life hey?). I thought that I would share a few of the 500 snaps that I took that day as there are some really precious photos and my baby cousins and I, and obviously the cake that my Mom but (I decorated it!) looked pretty darn magnificent - tasted delicious too!

I had an absolute blast on Sunday and I finally got to see my baby cousin awake! The previous times I've visited him he was always asleep and the other day he was so happy and smiling! And my 3 year old cousin is developing into such a little poser, as you can probably tell from the photos above.

Right, I'd best finish off my practice paper or I'll never get the grade I want...#sadface

Love, Nicole

May 28, 2013

Haul | Smashbox Lipglosses


So as I mentioned in my previous post, I went to Swindon Designer Outlet with my family today. And up till the very end, it was a very unsuccessful trip; I thought I found my dinner and dance shoes in Kurt Geiger, but when I asked for my size, the lady said that she can give me two different colours - what's the point in that?! Anyways, I later popped into The Cosmetic Company Store and bought two Smashbox lipsglosses as they're usually £14, but a mere £10 in outlet! I shall be posting a review later this week - so stay tuned for that!

Love, Nicole

Make Up | Face of the Day #2

Hello fellow Internet people!

I present to you a "Face of the Day" post! Today, I went to Swindon Outlet Centre with my family and I was trying out my new MAC eyeshadow - Woodwinked! And I have finally come to a verdict - I love this eyeshadow! It is a lovely shimmery goldy bronze colour which turns a dark amber when blended - so it's like buying two colours for the price of one! As I have recently purchased the 15 pan pro palette, this eyeshadow costs £10, which I think is pretty good and I know I will definitely get a lot of use out of it!

Collection 2000 16 Hour Wear Concealer
Estee Lauder Powder (Over the concealer under my eyes)
Benefit Brow Kit
MAC eyeshadow (lid) - Woodwinked
MAC eyeshadow (crease) - Woodwinked (blended)
MAC eyeshadow (inner corner) - Naked Lunch
Urban Decay eyeshadow (upper lashline) - Blackout
Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara
Maybelline Mega Plush Gel Mascara
NARS  blush - Orgasm
MAC lipstick (not shown in the images above) - Hot Tahiti
I'm wearing Smashbox lipgloss in Candid in the pictures above.

Love, Nicole

May 27, 2013

Fashion | Outfit of the Day #3

I feel like I leave such long gaps between posts; it's honestly unhealthy. After a slightly intense post last week, here's something a little brighter and something more bubbly to begin with - a photo collage of my obscure face...everyone loves that...I think

Right, so here goes! Another outfit of the days, 'cause apparently that's all I'm capable of nowadays...that's not true, I guess that exam stress is really getting to me and these posts are the easiest things to do. So here we go!

Collection 2000 16 hour wear Concealer
Yves Rocher Pure Light Foundation
Rimmel Stay Matte Powder
Benefit Brow Shaping Kit
Bourjois Little Round Pot Cream Blush - Healthy Glow
MAC eyeshadow (lid) - Naked Lunch
MAC eyeshadow (crease) - Star Violet
MAC eyeliner - Smolder
Urban Decay eyeshadow - Blackout
Lancome Hypnose Star Mascara
Maybelline Megaplush Gel Mascara
Revlon Lip Butter - Juicy Papaya

Top - Miss Selfridge (£7)
Jeans - Zara (£25.99)
Belt - came with trousers from New Look
Bag - Amazon (£23)
Necklace - Swarovski (£42)
Ring - German Aachen Market (£20)
Nails - Barry M Gel varnish Papaya (£3.99)

I hope you enjoyed this quick blog post and posts will be a lot better and regular from June 24th when I will have finished all my GCSE exams!

Love, Nicole

May 19, 2013

Rant | Exam Stress

this basically reflects my life right now
I would like to begin by stating that this is in no way and attention seeking post and if you simply don't care, I'm telling you now - don't read on, this might get whiny and annoying; it is my blog; I want to relieve some stress.

I am known to a lot of people for being a perfectionist, I like to achieve the best. However, what some people don't realise that some times, this isn't always my choice. I had to grow up quickly, it had always been my Mom looking after my brother and I, Dad would be away on business trips and because of one outbreak of SARS, the rare occasions when he'd be home became once every few years; I don't even know the man. I have been taught and adapted to look after myself and depend on no one but myself, I would owe it not only to myself, but my Mom, if I did not achieve the best in these exams.

My Mom is honestly the greatest woman I know. She gave up virtually everything for my brother and I and I would like to think that she didn't do it in vain, but repaying her back with the glimpse of hope that she deserves. In the future, I aim to support her when she cannot whether it be financially, physically or emotionally. Some people may not understand the importance of these grades to me - after all it is merely a few letters on a piece of paper - in a way, this is my way of thanking my Mom, for giving up so much to support me with my life: her marriage, her social life, her friends, her family and pretty much everything she knew. The most joyous scenario that I can picture is opening that envelope this Summer and actually crying with happiness because it is everything that I had hoped; I perfectly understand that some people may think that I am blowing this whole thing out of proportion, but to me - it is everything right now.

I want to do it for myself. I want to prove to myself that my teachers weren't wrong in predicting me these idyllic grades. I want to prove to everyone who said that I couldn't do it, that I can. At the end of the day, what I am required is not anything spectacular, 5A*/A & B in Maths and English Language, but I want better than that, I want to be able to compete with all the other intellects in the future, I don't want to be treading water, getting absolutely nowhere. I guess it is also a matter of self-satisfaction, the pleasure in gaining the top grades, to boost my confidence for A Levels, so that I know that I am capable.

Pressure. All 15-18 year olds are under constant pressure nowadays. And pressure has taken a negative impact on me. Anxiety for two years, tense muscles for god knows how long, seeing my health deteriorate, seeing my weight decrease weekly, hating what I see in the mirror as it is practically sticks and bones. The events of the past few years has shaped me into a mature yet damaged person, no one ever sees the crying, hurt, infuriated and emotional side of me, I guess I could say that I hate him, for everything that he has done, because of his pathetic and inconsiderate actions. I can see so many people's faces getting annoyed with me if I greet them with an emotionless, drained, sad face, they must all be thinking that I am just a boring person who only work and don't know how to have fun, but it's not like that? Why do people think it's okay to judge someone without knowing the full story? In a sense, people are afraid- afraid to know, afraid to listen, afraid to understand what causes someone to be as depressed as they are. But that's all it takes, a few minutes, to hear them out and maybe after that, they won't judge, they will understand.

What I simply don't understand, however, is how people simply don't give a shit. How can someone be satisfied with a C? Why can't people be more ambitious and allow themselves to aim higher although the face the risk of failure? The thing that really aggravates me is how people come out with an awful grade in one exam, yet they still do not have the sense to sort themselves out and prepare for future ones. I guess what I am trying to get at is the fact that people should learn to look for the future, as I can guarantee so many people that they will look back and wished the focused and prepared more for these "pathetic" exams. Don't get me wrong, I do not agree with the exams, but if that is how the government is going to play it, then I guess we must all play that game too. 

Inconsideration. Why are some people so inconsiderate enough to not allow people to be nervous for an exam? "It's only an exam", they say, if you don't care, why can't you accept that other people too and that they may actually be nervous, anxious and afraid? A carefree attitude is stupid and definitely in no way makes you "cool". It makes you an idiot. An ignorant. 

I would love to carry this rant on as I have so much more to say, but seeing as it is 11:17PM, I really should be heading to bed due to the Of Mice and Men and The Crucible exam tomorrow morning. Good luck to anyone and everyone who may also be in that exam (unless you haven't revised, then you can suffer in silence)!

Love, Nicole

May 06, 2013

Haul | MAC and Zara

Two posts in one day?! You must be on the wrong blog page! Well well well, I did some damage to my bank balance today since I have been paid so I thought that I would share with you what I bought. First and foremost, the main reason for my trip to town today was because I needed a shirt and a notepad for shirt signing as it is my last formal week of school, but I guess one thing escalated to another and I ended up spending more than I intended here we go!

I BOUGHT SOME JEANS! Right, let's establish one thing...I absolutely hate jeans. I hate the feel of them and being so I have quite short and what some may consider thin legs, they never fit me properly and they're always baggy even if they're "skinny jeans" and recently I have somehow lost weight even though I eat like a horse...anyway, went on a complete detour, point is - I have the hardest time finding jeans. For about 2-3 years now all I have been wearing are: shorts, skirts, leggings, jeggings and disco pants. My favourite pair of jeggings are from Zara so I thought I would pop into Zara and see if I had any luck and my word I love this pair of jeans! They're so soft and stretchy and I usually hate how light wash jeans look on me but these are so summery and pretty! I must say though, they are a little bit on the longer side, but hopefully I'll grow...

And because I got so carried away with the fact that I found the perfect pair of jeans, I got a pair of coloured ones (true colour is more like the photo on the right). Since last summer I really wanted a pair or coloured trousers type thing and I never got round to trying a pair on or buying them, so today, I had a bit more time and I found these minty turquoise colour type jeans and I love these as well! They have a similar fit to the first pair I mentioned and I honestly can't wait to start wearing them!

It only felt right if I got a top to go with it. Initially, I took this top into the changing rooms so that I would see how everything looked with a t-shirt but I ended up picking this up too 'cause I absolutely love the print and the cutting of it and it honestly looks so flatterring with shorts and the jeans that I bought. The costs £9.99 which my Mom thought was a bit pricey for a cut-off t-shirt but I honestly loved it so bought it anyways...I am sure I will get a lot of use out of this!

The product above basically reflects on how easily I am persuaded by people to buy things. Although this is not entirely true and I have wanted this for the longest time, the two eyeshadows that I ended up buying was due to the fact that my friend Emma, off 
did a blog post of her wearing these shades and I absolutely fell in love and though it was only right for my makeup collection to buy these shadows. I ended up buying the 15 pan pro palette insert as it works out to be the cheapest option, so I might as well. Unfortunately, they did not have the actual palette in stock so I came home and ordered that straight away and can't wait to have the palette in one. The palette eyeshadows cost £10 each, which is £2 cheaper than the pot eyeshadows that you can get, the 15 pan insert was £6.50 and the palette holder I ordered was £14. I did plan on buying Woodwinked today as well but it was out of stock and I almost cried! I didn't but...right I am getting delirious and should probably start on an English mock paper.

Love, Nicole

Fashion | Outfit of the Day #2

Hola amigos! Long time no post! Life has been particularly hectic and stressful these past weeks but I am proud to say that I have finally finished my Drama GCSE and therefore I can focus my revision on other areas and maybe just maybe, post more...then again, exam season's coming up...

Anyhow, back to today's post! I went out with my mother today for a bit of shopping and coffee mainly because I needed a shirt and a book for leaver's signing next week and I had to go out today or I would never end up going. This is what I wore as I think today's the hottest day we've had this year in the UK so I thought I would get my arms and legs out!

Top - New Look (£7.99)
Black Bandeau - New Look (£2.99)
Hi-low skirt - River Island (£22)
Pink ballet flats - New Look (£7.99)
Gold bangle - gift
Black studded bag - Amazon (£23)
Sunglasses - Primark (£2)

I, unfortunately, did not take a close up of my make up, mainly because it's the end of the day and I look quite awful and the make up doesn't quite look its best, but the main highlight is my lipstick which is Infrared - Topshop.

Keep you eyes opened with matchsticks for my April Favourites which should be up by the end of this week!

Love, Nicole