June 24, 2013

Haul | MAC 266 Brush

SCHOOL'S OUT FOR SUMMER! I have finally completed my GCSEs and now face a dread 2 month wait for results day, but I am going to try enjoy it as much as possible 'cause it's going to be the last Summer that I am going to be somewhat carefree with no revision before I start A Levels. My last exam was Physics and it went awful, but I have gotten to the stage where I simply do not care and I am just so happy I'm off school for two months!

Anyhow, today I went into town with my bestie after our exam and shopped around for a bit before travelling to the next town and back for no apparent reason. Whilst I was shopping around yesterday, Debenhams had a 10% off sale for all beauty items, but I was so stupid that I didn't buy the brush yesterday but I ended up paying an extra £1.60...sigh...but here it is - my first MAC brush, I have been wanting a MAC brush for ages but never knew which one to go for, so today I had got my eyebrows threaded (it hurts but it's worth it) and I decided to go for Tanya Burr's favourite for her eyebrows, I have yet to try it out, but it feels so nice!

Love, Nicole

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