As I promised long a go I would do a review on the Smashbox lipglosses I bought from Swindon Designer Outlet now about a month a go and here's my review for the two lipglosses.
Candid is a lovely red with gold reflects which looks amazing when light hits it. Afterglow has a similar story but is a peachy coral colour which looks super natural and has been my go-to colour for the past month! It also comes with a doe-foot applicator which makes is super easy to apply even but then I guess it might mean I won't be able to get all the product out of the tube. I also really like the sleek design packaging as the cuboid shape means it takes up less room in my make-up storage.
I absolutely love these lipglosses! I steered away from lipglosses for several years (my last one was a MAC plushglass in year 8...3 years a go!) due to the fact that they always left my lips feeling sticky and it looked like someone just saliva-ed all over my lips - gross! However these lipglosses - retailing at £14 but I purchased them for £10 at outlet - leave my lips with a natural glossy shine, yet not too shiny so that it looks unnatural; it also does not feel sticky but just very smooth with a tinted colour. I particularly like the colour "afterglow" since it's peeking round Summer, it adds a perfect coral-tinted shine even if I don't wear any lipstick and balm stain underneath (I usually do for added colour).
The only downside I could think of is that the lasting power is not particularly great and I have to reapply every 2 hours maximum, but other than that I think that it's an all round great product and as I bought this in outlet it is much better value than say a MAC plushglass which retails for around £16 (I think). I would definitely recommend this product and if you have any other queries please leave a comment below as I am beginning to get back into the flow of writing a review.
Love, Nicole