April 11, 2013

Haul | Superdrug's Makeup and Hair Products

Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Green Berry (£3.99)
♥ Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Lychee (£3.99)
♥ Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Papaya (£3.99/Free)
Revlon Lip Butter - Tutti Frutti (£5.99)
♥ Revlon Lip Butter - Juicy Papaya (£5.99)
♥ Rimmel London Kate Moss Lipstick - 01 (£5.49)
♥ NYC Nail Polish - 325 Raindrop (£1.79)
♥ Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder - 003 Peach Glow (£3.99)
♥ Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation - 200 Soft Beige (£8.99)
♥ Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara - 001 Black (£6.99/Free)
♥ TRESemmé Split Remedy Serum (£2.89)
♥ Pantene Pro-V Shampoo - Classic and Clarifying (£2.29)

I have previously bought the Barry M Gelly Nail Polishes before in Grape and Blueberry and although the formula of Grape wasn't really to my fancy, I did really like Blueberry's finish and formula and therefore I went out and picked up three more from that line as Superdrug is doing 3 for 2 on their Barry M nail polishes.

Ever since reading blog posts on the new Revlon Lip Butter releases I was desperate to go and try some out for myself and that is exactly what I did. However, once I got there the only new colour that really caught my attention was Juicy Papaya which is a light coral colour and I felt the need to purchase a darker-toned coral too, which is why I bought Tutti Frutti although I didn't plan on doing so. I think I'll be doing something like my Revlon Lip Butter collection or a review soon!

I love the Rimmel London Kate Moss Collection Lipsticks and I have always wanted 01 which is a classic red colour, but whenever I try to buy it, it is never in stock! So I was in luck today and had to pick it up! I can't wait to try it out and see how it looks.

I have a little too many of the NYC quick dry nail polishes, and I was just wandering around in Superdrug when I saw this colour in Raindrop and I had to pick it up; it is the most gorgeous tone of sky blue and I'm sure it'll look great on virtually anyone!

In Superdrug, there was an offer for Rimmel London products where you spent £10 and you get the Scandaleyes mascara for free and that is why I ended up buying this mascara, I had got it previously on a similar type of deal but I didn't really like it as the wand is too big for my liking so I ended up giving it to my friend, I think I am going to try this out again and if I don't like it, I'll give it to her again. However, I had been dying to buy the Wake Me Up Foundation and Stay Matte Powder, I have bought the powder before and absolutely loved it, however, being someone who normally doesn't wear foundation, I didn't go out and repurchase it until now. Regarding the foundation, I have been hearing loads of great things about it from a friend and from Tanya Burr, so I decided to go and check it out, having applied a little in the store to find my colour, I got to say, I liked the consistency and smell of it, so I can't wait to try this out and maybe do a review!

I basically got the TRESemmé Split Remedy as an impulse buy and the fact that my split ends are getting so bad even though I rarely use heat on it, just a blow-dryer so I went to got this last week and I have used it a couple of time, although my hair does feel smoother I think it's also taking a lot of my hair out! I'm going to do a review on this soon (if it doesn't rip all my hair out) but I am not sure if the hair loss is this product or have I am dealing with my hair.

I have been wanting the Pantene Pro-V Clarifying Shampoo for ages and it was either out of stock or I couldn't get myself to buy another shampoo after recently splurging £30 on the S-Factor Shampoo and Conditioner but when I saw it today it was on sale! So I kind of felt like I had to buy it...I don't know where's my logic in that.

If there are any items that you would like me to a review on please leave a comment saying so! Thanks for reading!

Love, Nicole

1 comment:

  1. I really love your blog and posts too!:) so nice haha

    holly x
