April 21, 2013

Fashion | Outfit of the Day #1

Bonjour mon cheri! I thought that I would do an outfit of the day as I actually liked what I was wearing today being so the sun was sort of out! In England, we have only started to get the "spring sunshine" in the past week, so I thought that I would make the most of it by getting my legs out...what? 

So I basically went out today with a couple of friends and did a few bits and bobs for school then ended up going round town for around 2 hours; although it was quite windy today and my dress did try and fly up on a couple of occasions, my overall outfit was very comfortable and was different to the heaps of layers I have been wearing this year.

Dress - Republic (£7 SALE)
Cardigan - ASOS by the brand "Hearts and Bows" (£24.99)
Bag - Amazon (£23)
Shoes (which are pink flats) - New Look (£7.99)
Sunglasses - Mango (£19)

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer - 25
Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation - 200 soft beige
Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder - 003 peachy glow
Nars Blush - Orgasm
eCosway retractable eyebrow pencil
Urban Decay eyeshadow (lid) - naked
Urban Decay eyeshadow (central lid) - bootycall
Urban Decay eyeshadow (crease) - buck
MAC eyeliner - smolder
L'Oreal Telescopic mascara - black & waterproof
Lancome mascara - hypnose star
Revlon lip butter (although it rubbed off during the day) - Juicy Papaya

Love, Nicole

Tag | 100 Question Tag

Bonjour mon cheri! I'm loving the French language lately and have began to swear in French...it's annoying me actually. I am so bored right now and found a 100 question tag so here goes!

1. How old will you be in five years?
21 - that's a scary thought...

2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today?

the kids at work

3. How tall are you?


4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks?

finishing all my exams and having a 2 month long Summer

5. What’s the last movie you saw?

Howl's Moving Castle - such a good film!

6. Who was the last person you called?

my brother

7. Who was the last person to call you?

my brother HAHA

8. What was the last text message you received?

"go eat shit"

9. Who was the last person to leave you a voice mail?

my brother...HAHAHAHA

10. Do you prefer to call or text?

hmm, depends who it is

April 14, 2013

Make Up | Face of the Day #1

I'm going back to school tomorrow - it's inset day, but I have go in nonetheless, I still haven't completed all my holiday work (which I probably should get on with after this post). Today, my family and I all went to my Gran's to welcome my brother back from his 3 month trip in Germany so I went "all out" with my make up (meaning I wore more than I usually do) even though we did just stay in the house; having only been out three times this holiday, it was nice to get dolled up.

cheeky snap of me in the car, where I had reapplied my lip colour so it looks more vibrant than the picture below - oh and I'm wearing glasses

Maybelline Fit Me Concealer - 25
Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation - 200 soft beige
Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder - 003 peachy glow
Nars Blush - Orgasm
Sleek Face Contour Kit (no highlighter)

Benefit Brow Zings - medium
Urban Decay Eyeshadow (lid) - tease
Urban Decay Eyeshadow (crease) - buck
Urban Decay Eyeshadow (inner lid) - half baked
MAC eyeliner (upper lashline) - smolder
Lancome Mascara - Hypnose Star

Maybelline Baby Lips Lip Balm - mango
Revlon Lip Butter - tutti frutti

So that was my face of the day! Hope you enjoyed it and this was meant to be a play on the neutral eye and overall neutral make up look, but I usually don't go for a dark colour on the lid etc.

Love, Nicole

April 11, 2013

Haul | Superdrug's Makeup and Hair Products

Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Green Berry (£3.99)
♥ Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Lychee (£3.99)
♥ Barry M Gelly Nail Polish - Papaya (£3.99/Free)
Revlon Lip Butter - Tutti Frutti (£5.99)
♥ Revlon Lip Butter - Juicy Papaya (£5.99)
♥ Rimmel London Kate Moss Lipstick - 01 (£5.49)
♥ NYC Nail Polish - 325 Raindrop (£1.79)
♥ Rimmel London Stay Matte Powder - 003 Peach Glow (£3.99)
♥ Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation - 200 Soft Beige (£8.99)
♥ Rimmel London Scandaleyes Mascara - 001 Black (£6.99/Free)
♥ TRESemmé Split Remedy Serum (£2.89)
♥ Pantene Pro-V Shampoo - Classic and Clarifying (£2.29)

I have previously bought the Barry M Gelly Nail Polishes before in Grape and Blueberry and although the formula of Grape wasn't really to my fancy, I did really like Blueberry's finish and formula and therefore I went out and picked up three more from that line as Superdrug is doing 3 for 2 on their Barry M nail polishes.

Ever since reading blog posts on the new Revlon Lip Butter releases I was desperate to go and try some out for myself and that is exactly what I did. However, once I got there the only new colour that really caught my attention was Juicy Papaya which is a light coral colour and I felt the need to purchase a darker-toned coral too, which is why I bought Tutti Frutti although I didn't plan on doing so. I think I'll be doing something like my Revlon Lip Butter collection or a review soon!

I love the Rimmel London Kate Moss Collection Lipsticks and I have always wanted 01 which is a classic red colour, but whenever I try to buy it, it is never in stock! So I was in luck today and had to pick it up! I can't wait to try it out and see how it looks.

I have a little too many of the NYC quick dry nail polishes, and I was just wandering around in Superdrug when I saw this colour in Raindrop and I had to pick it up; it is the most gorgeous tone of sky blue and I'm sure it'll look great on virtually anyone!

In Superdrug, there was an offer for Rimmel London products where you spent £10 and you get the Scandaleyes mascara for free and that is why I ended up buying this mascara, I had got it previously on a similar type of deal but I didn't really like it as the wand is too big for my liking so I ended up giving it to my friend, I think I am going to try this out again and if I don't like it, I'll give it to her again. However, I had been dying to buy the Wake Me Up Foundation and Stay Matte Powder, I have bought the powder before and absolutely loved it, however, being someone who normally doesn't wear foundation, I didn't go out and repurchase it until now. Regarding the foundation, I have been hearing loads of great things about it from a friend and from Tanya Burr, so I decided to go and check it out, having applied a little in the store to find my colour, I got to say, I liked the consistency and smell of it, so I can't wait to try this out and maybe do a review!

I basically got the TRESemmé Split Remedy as an impulse buy and the fact that my split ends are getting so bad even though I rarely use heat on it, just a blow-dryer so I went to got this last week and I have used it a couple of time, although my hair does feel smoother I think it's also taking a lot of my hair out! I'm going to do a review on this soon (if it doesn't rip all my hair out) but I am not sure if the hair loss is this product or have I am dealing with my hair.

I have been wanting the Pantene Pro-V Clarifying Shampoo for ages and it was either out of stock or I couldn't get myself to buy another shampoo after recently splurging £30 on the S-Factor Shampoo and Conditioner but when I saw it today it was on sale! So I kind of felt like I had to buy it...I don't know where's my logic in that.

If there are any items that you would like me to a review on please leave a comment saying so! Thanks for reading!

Love, Nicole

April 08, 2013

Tag | More About Me

Hola amigos! I guess I just love doing these tags, it's currently 12:40AM and being so I had a nap this afternoon, I haven't felt more alive...I don't know where I was going with that. Anyhow, on with the tag!

1. Is your hair naturally curly or straight?

My hair is naturally ever so straight, but when I sleep it gets kinks in it so easily it so I usually sport the awkward wave look.

2. What is your natural hair colour?
My hair is naturally a very very very dark brown. For people who assume that most Chinese people have black hair, I am not the typical hair colour that one would imagine and I think we'll leave it at that. Although my baby hair was a fair brown- eccentric baby.

3. Do you dye it yourself or go to a salon?
I have always dyed it myself until early on in January when I wanted the ombré look and thought it'd be best to go seek help from "professional" stylists, how very wrong of me. I doubt I will ever be going back to a salon to get my hair dyed again: they are ridiculously expensive and more often than not, they mess my hair up. 

4. How often do you wash your hair?
Hmm, more hair questions. I wash my hair every other or two days, dependent on what I have done prior or during the day. I try to keep my hair's natural oil as much as possible as apparently it helps your hair grow!

5. Do you wear the same style every day or change it?
I'd like to think that I change my hairstyle everyday, but in all honesty, I can never be bothered. Either because I stay up ever so late the previous late to finish off unfinished homework and being so I work most days after school, I am exhausted after spending 10 hours at school and work.

6. Do you do your own mani/pedi or go to a salon?
I have never been to a salon for manicures or pedicures purely because of the price and the doing my nails is the only form of art that I am actually good at, so I like to take advantage of my talents - hehe. I do, however, like to go some time to try out the "pampered experience".

7. How often to you change your nail polish?
A little too often. My nails are a particularly good feature of mine and I can never go out of the house with disgustingly looking, chipped and ragged nails - if I do, I have either entered my mid-life crisis or something is very very wrong! I usually want to change it immediately after I have painted it but have taught myself to resist this urge, so I tend to change it up when it starts chipping.

8. Do you polish your toes in the winter, too or just in the summer?
Depends if I can be bothered really! Usually I don't purely because my feet are always cold, I could be snuggled up under my feather duvet and my body is all toasty and the temperature of my feet mimic that of the Antarctica; I can therefore never wait patiently for my toes to dry before wrapping my feet up in layers of material.

9. How long does it take to put on your makeup?
Ummmmm, on a day-to-day basis, my make up takes about 5-10 minutes, usually towards the lower end of the spectrum as I only wear concealer, mascara and eyeliner plus the addition of filling in my eyebrows. On nights out or something fancier I do take a bit longer but never over 30-40 minutes.

10. What do you do first? Face or eyes?
Face! It's called foundation for a reason! Besides, after applying the lower lash line's coat of mascara, it's ever so difficult to scramble under to apply concealer.

11. Do you "collect" makeup or just buy what you need when you need it?
I do collect, which means most of my wages is tied up in a long drawer under my dresser. Sigh.

12. How often do you wear false eyelashes?
I've worn them once but mainly because I have not had another occasion appropriate enough for me to wear them again. I do like false lashes especially as mine are dead straight and quite short.

13. Do you do a full face of makeup every day?
No no no, my skin is another one of my better features so I don't see the point in clogging my pores with foundation and irrelevant sweeps of powder.

14. Do you wear makeup when you are home alone (or with family)?
Never, as much as I love makeup, I love the feeling of removing make up or being nude-faced more. Besides my family don't really care and I don't really want to waste makeup remover if I am just staying at home.

15. Will you leave the house without makeup?
Yes, I practically spent a month of year10 wearing no makeup to school as I couldn't be bothered. Besides due to the minimal amount that I do wear, it doesn't make a drastic difference. I also don't think that makeup should be someone's resort to boost their confidence as I don't think that's what makeup is about, it's about enhancing your natural beauty, not covering up your naturalness so you gain confidence.

16. How many high end products do you have?
A little too much? It's really bad as there are so many great high street makeup things, but I always get the impression that high end is better - which in most case it is - and always go for the more expensive option. However, the most expensive brand I've bought from is probably either Nars or Lancome, nothing like Chanel or YSL.

17. How often do you wash your makeup brushes?
Well, I've only bought my first set of makeup brushes less than a month a go, so I can't really answer this.

18. Do you plan your OOTD every night or decide when you are getting dressed?
I always plan, mainly because I like to get my extra 20 minutes sleep in the morning rather than at night and I like to feel prepared.

19. How often do you change your handbag?
I do indeed, but I do have handbags which are very versatile so if I don't have time, they will probably go with the outfit that I am wearing.

20. What time do you get up & go to sleep?
Usually, I get up at 7:30 and go to sleep at like 0:00. During this Easter though, my sleeping schedule has been absolutely insane so I can't really answer this, haha!

21. How often & when do you workout?
Like never? In PE lesson? But even then I don't do much. I should be doing a sport for my Duke of Edinburgh, but I just can't commit to working out for an hour a week.

22. Left-handed or Right-handed?

23. How tall are you?
5ft4, it is so depressing...I wish I was like 5ft8

24. Do you speak a foreign language?
Umm well, technically English is my foreign language. I can speak Cantonese, Mandarin and English fluently and manage a conversation in French and German.

25. How many pets do you have?
A westie named Leo.

26. How often are you on Blogger?
Everyday! Although I'm on bloglovin more, but it's technically the same thing. I love reading posts from blogs I follow but I think I need to get better at posting myself, haha!

27. Do you read the comments posted blogs?
I do read comments! I think it's a good way to discover new blogs to follow as if they enjoyed the same post as you did, it is likely you will like their blog too.

28. Do you keep a list of products to try as you see other posts?
I do, I have a wishlist on my phone's Notes. I went into MAC the other day and looked at the list to see what I wanted and the lady mistaken it for me wanting to buy a crap load of makeup.

29. How did you come up with your blog name?
I wanted something that alliterated with "Nicole", after struggling with alliteration tasks in primary school with my name and always came up with "naughty Nicole" or "nutritious Nicole", which I was neither, I decided to go for something a bit longer. So my friend, Will, actually came up with "Notes by Nicole" as I completely messed up my domain registration, ha!

30. What kind of camera do you use for photographs?
Nikon D3100

31. How often do you clean your room? (Daily, weekly, other)
Not much at all, I am such a perfectionist but never have the time to tidy my room, I'm redoing my room this Summer so hopefully I will keep it tidier then.

32. What is your favourite colour?
Red, orange and baby blue! Separately...not mixed together.

33. What is your favourite beauty/fashion magazine?
Umm I like LOOK magazine and I like the idea and website of Seventeen but it's so hard to find it here in the UK even though I think that Seventeen is more age appropriate for me than LOOK is.

34. Do you swear?
I do swear, usually mild swear words which are considered rude than swearing, but if I'm really pisse annoyed, I do swear a bit. It's such a bad habit and my new year's resolution was to stop 'cause it's so unladylike, but on NYD, I sent a text round saying "HAVE A FUCKING FANTASTIC 2013 XOXO", that went down the drain! 

35. What are you doing with the rest of your day?
Umm, well I think I'll be loitering around waiting to be paid all day. And if I do I might take a sneaky trip down to Bicester Village and look for a dinner and dance dress!

Hope you enjoyed reading more about me! Be sure to do this tag as I tag anyone and everyone!

Love, Nicole

April 03, 2013

Monthly Favourites | March

It actually terrifies me that we're in April already, where has this year gone?! I'll probably end up saying this every month, but March actually went so quickly; despite having no holiday periods in March, it did go by much quicker than I anticipated and now I am just dreading my Summer exams - hopefully I'll do alright! Right, onto the point of this post, I am going to be sharing with you my Most Adored from March, hope you enjoy and will discover some products that you want to try out!

essie nail polish - lapiz of luxury
I absolutely ADORE this nail polish! I purchased this in February from Westfields and never got a proper chance to wear it because of school, but I did put it on for the last week of school before the Easter holidays (despite being told to take it off eventually) it looked so good on my nails with just two coats! And with this formula of essie nail polishes, it doesn't require me to wear a top coat or a base coat which is the perfect way to get colour on your nails in you are in a rush! I can definitely see myself wearing a lot of this into the Summer!

nails inc. nail polish - chelsea physic gardens
I have written a review of this nail polish here so I won't go into loads of detail in this post. Surprisingly, this crept into my favourites although not having the best application, I guess I just fell in love with the colour! It is literally the perfect, bright, summery blue and reminds me so much of cute weddings which is always pretty and nice! I love this nail polish and will definitely be getting more wear out of it.

MAC lipstick - lovelorn
I got this lipstick awhile back last year and initially didn't like it very much as I thought that it was very sheer and pretty much a pointless lipstick. However, I recently rediscovered it and found out that it is a lustre finish which means it is meant to be a bit less pigmented than the other MAC lipsticks I own. I absolutely adore this lipstick for school and it is such a simple colour which is also very buildable - I think that this is the perfect summery toned lipstick for school as it isn't too vibrant but you can definitely tell that you can something on with a few coats. A definite must-have through the month of March!

Nars blush - orgasm
I got this blush mid-way through March and I have literally been wearing it non-stop since. I have never liked a lot of blush on myself, possibly because of my awkward skin tone or the fact that I just have never been bothered to look very hard as blush isn't exactly a staple peace of my everyday make-up. This blush, however, is the perfect colour and I use the Real Techniques Contour Brush to apply it and it gives such a natural, healthy glow to the skin. Despite its hefty price tag at £21.50, I do love it very much. Check out my review here!

♥ Lancome Mascara - Hypnose Star
Ahhh! My new favourite mascara, after coughstalkingcough the Jenner sister's Keeks and other various sites where they talk about their make-up items, I picked this mascara up at Debenhams one afternoon and have fallen in love with it ever since. Although it does not hold curl very well (I pair it with a waterproof L'Oreal Telescopic Mascara) it gives amazing volume yet defining each lash perfectly, I definitely want to try out other Lancome mascaras as I have previously owned one and loved that one too, but I think they discontinued it - sad face.

♥ Urban Decay Eyeshadow Palette - Naked 2
I believe I got this palette in February and I have loved it for the month of March! I usually don't wear eye shadow for school but the colours in this palette "forces" me to wear it! I wear "bootycall" all over the lid, "buck" (from Naked palette) in the crease and finally "blackout" in the outer corner. I love the brush also as it blends really well and gives my eyes a really natural smokey eye effect. To see the colours in more detail, you can check out my review of the palette here.

♥ Yves Rocher Foundation - "Pure Light" Light and Luminous - Beige 200
I am not one to wear foundation normally and the main reason I started wearing this product in the month of March was due to the fact that I got the set of Real Techniques brushes and I wanted to try out the stippling brush, so I found this foundation in my collection (which I actually got for free when I bought the Yves Rocher Sexy Plush mascara) and I absolutely adore the foundation! It is perfect for me who is someone that still want a natural coverage and for the natural skin to show when they wear foundation and this is exactly what this foundation does. It is super lightweight and it literally feels like you are not wearing anything at all. Definitely go check it out on the Yves Rocher website!

♥ Real Techniques - Stippling Brush
MY PRECIOUS. This is literally the best brush I have ever tried for applying foundation, it gives such a flawless yet natural coverage and when combined with the foundation I mentioned above, it evens out my skin tone but keeps my naturalness! For a brush of this quality, I would say that it is quite cheap and the bristles are so soft but they do the job really well! I have written a full review of the Real Technique brushes that I purchased earlier this month, which I have will link here.

♥ Original Chloé Perfume
MY NEW FAVOURITE PERFUME. The story is, back in November I had an interview for a school which required me to go through town to get a bus to, being so I was ahead of schedule, I didn't want to get a super early bus and arrive at the school and kind of make the staff feel like they need to look after me, so I wandered into Debenhams for a bit. It was then I discovered this amazing scent but never brought myself to by a over £30 perfume. I did spray this all over myself before heading to the school and luckily I got into their sixth form so this smell always bring back happy memories. My bestie bought this for me for Christmas - three months late gift, I know - and I love it so much I only want to wear it on special occasions, haha! It smells so good!

Hope you enjoyed this monthly favourites post, be sure to comment your favourites and I would love to try out new products! 

Love, Nicole

ps. sorry for some of the bad quality pictures, i am having the hardest time with lighting in this typical british weather