December 29, 2013

Life | Christmas 2013

Hi guys!

I shan't even try to make up some excuse as to why there has been another month delay despite the fact that I am on my Christmas break, so I shall jump right in to talk about my Christmas!

I had such an amazing Christmas and am honestly so grateful for everything! I can't say that 2013 has been the best of years, but it definitely got better towards the end.

I usually spend Christmas Day either at home or at my gran's, but this year we went to my aunty's for a lush Christmas roast which was absolutely lovely and I just chilled with my two littlest cousins as my brother and other cousins weren't there and it was lovely just playing with them as I don't usually see them and they're growing into such adorable little guys!

Boxing Day had more traditional traditions, including my aunty, cousin and I heading out into town at 5:30AM to bargain hunt! It did seem like a great idea at the time, but I definitely regretted it later on in the day when I was super duper tired and had to nap for about 2 hours to regain some energy. Later in the afternoon, we always head over to my aunty's for a full family gathering and further present opening and a little round of Secret Santa amongst those who are 18+. It is always such a lovely evening, but this year was particularly warm and festive, perhaps we now have another little member in the family - in the form of my 10 month old cousin! It was an evening full of laughter and delicious food and it is always the best day in my holidays.

I shall now leave you with a little vlog I did of the Boxing Day Sales - admittedly, there isn't too much footage as I was just so too tired and surviving on a mere 2 hour sleep and I was busy looking around for good sales. Nonetheless, here's the vlog!

OH! Also, I recently purchased the Urban Decay Naked 3 palette, so keep a look out on my blog for a review and swatches coming very soon!

Love, Nicole

December 28, 2013

Update | Overdue Apologies

So apparently my last post on here wasn't even a real post and this blog draft titled "Update" has been saved for over 2 months...way to go Nicole, way to go...

Anyhow, I thought that I would update any loyal readers out there and just to reassure you that I am well and more or less alive despite being overloaded with school work in the past 2 months. Now that I am on my October half term I thought I would write an update and pre-write some blog posts and pre-film some videos to hopefully be more frequent with uploads and blog posts.

So what's been happening? Since the last post, I got my GCSE results and I was extremely happy with my results to say the least and celebrated well, I have also moved schools for sixth form and I am so super glad that I did and I am literally loving school life and all the new people I've met...bordering cheesy Nicole, bordering cheesy...alongside the moving school aspect, I have also been bombarded with homework virtually every night and I have also indulged myself in various extra-curricular bits and bobs and therefore have no time to film, write let alone edit photos or video footage. 

But enough about school - I also turned 17 last Saturday! My provisional license is here and all I have to do now is to be bothered to ring up a driving school (is that what they're called?) and book some lessons! I had the most amazing birthday and here are some photos of my birthday meal with some of my closest friends...

I have also tried out a lot of awesome products in the past few months, all of which I have retained the packaging that they came in so that I can do a detailed review for most, if not all, of the products - so fear not, I have not forgotten notesbynicole and I shall be more consistent!

Love, Nicole